So we went for a walk the other day and encountered a very big green couch. I was telling Kristin that surely there is some way we could fit it into out flat. I have not been able to stop thinking about this green.
The couch that we have in our flat is something akin to the seating arrangements at the child social services office in downtown Albuquerque, New Mexico (Just trust me, I've been there and it isn't even as nice as it sounds). So as we go through our day touring the city, trying to get acquainted with our new home, the only thing I can think of is the lack of lumbar support that little pink "couch" of ours has. I mean really, at what point in the design and furnishing of this building did the University of London decide that there were going to be an inordinate amount of pygmies attending postgraduate programs? You know how you feel after a long day on your feet? As you're finally on your way home all you can think about is turning on that episode of Desperate Housewives you tivo'd last week, and then, falling effortlessly onto that big (possibly even green) soft couch with soft cushions and endless amounts of lumbar support. When I head home all I can think about is the number of surgeries it will take to correct the damage done after a year of sitting on this couch. I think about sitting on this ridiculous piece of furniture, watching a four year old episode of East Enders (a poor quality mix between Days of our Lives & Melrose Place).
There are a lot of pubs in England, and now I know why. If this is any gauge of what the British call a couch then it is no wonder everyone gets fall-over drunk before returning home from work. It's the only way to be even somewhat comfortable while sitting through an episode of bad English tv. Come to think of it, maybe that's why the tv is so bad over here, when you're really drunk you'll watch anything. Last night alone I needed five pints of good British ale to coax me into going home to face my small pink nemesis. When I got here I turned on an episode of East Enders and fell comfortably asleep...dreaming of that big green couch.
Look, I totally get that you moved to Europe. And that you've embraced the culture and lifestyle. Good for you guys. But if you call your flat a flat one more time, I'm going to fly out there and engage in an argy bargy with both of you.
That is, perhaps, the sweetest couch I have ever seen. Remember that tiny orange lighter in Rome? Well, now you have a tiny Pink (?) couch in London. Man, that is one sweet couch. Sweet I tell you.
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